Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Frome, Somerset, Bristol

Gone (Jack Caffery 5)

Gone (Jack Caffery 5)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Car jacking takes on a sinister twist in Bristol. Children are being take by a man in a costume….

  • ISBN: 978-0553824339
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Following a frightening case of a car jacking, a distraught victim turns to DI Jack Caffery. What he tells him is shocking and disturbing to the extreme. Not only the car was taken but the eleven year old girl on the back seat. And she is still missing

Before long the jacker starts to communicate with the police. And Caffrey becomes certain that he is planning to take another car. And another child.

What kind of car jacker targets cars with children inside them and why?

Travel Guide

Somerset is once again the setting for this latest Jack Caffery case and it’s not getting any easier this Somerset life.

There is a child kidnapper and possible pedophile  roaming the city’s streets and so Frome and Bristol and their twisty streets look dark and foreboding and the landscape is  not one to linger on too long.

The subject matter creates an environment and landscape which is dark and scary and very very disturbing. Frome and a nice peaceful supermarket in the town is the scene for one of the creepiest scenes we’ve read in a while. So normal, so every day and in the hands of Mo Hayder, very very disturbing. Getting into your car with your child is the most normal every day thing a parent can do. But OMG you would not expect this, even in a Steven King movie.

The Mendips

Have you seen the video of the kidnapping on Mo Hayder’s website? There was swearing here when we viewed it. Like your worst nightmare only worse.
Then with your heart in your mouth, it’s over to the small Mendip village of Oakshill for the story to play out with a visit to the victim’s family

The stage is set for a tough investigation and some scary finds – the Mendip hills might look nice and peaceful but in the hands of Mo Hayder, they become unwelcoming hangouts and hideouts.

The Cotswolds

But then Flea rationalizes where the girls might be hidden. Yes by this time there’s more than one. It’s the nice and unassuming area of The Cotswolds, an area of outstanding natural beauty but Mo Hayder’s Cotswolds is not one you’ve like to visit for real.

An unexpected setting and an unexpected ending.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Facebook: /AuthorMoHayder

Web: mohayder.net

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