Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: The Arctic

Good Morning, Midnight

Good Morning, Midnight

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Just what kind of secrets are waiting in the deep frozen Arctic waiting to be found.

  • ISBN: 978-1474600583
  • Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi, Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Augustine, a brilliant, ageing scientist, has scanned the universe for years, trying to see infinity, and trying to see the secrets in the stars. When there is news of a catastrophic event ,everyone leaves the remote research centre in the Arctic circle but he’s the only one who insists on staying behind. But Augustine soon finds that he is not alone..

Meanwhile, Mission Specialist Sullivan, a divorced astronaut and mother, is aboard the Aether, on its return flight from Jupiter. But suddenly, inexplicably, the Aether loses all contact with Mission Control.

The  cold, barren sweep of the Arctic awaits.

Travel Guide

“Gravity Meets The Snow Child”.

The blurb of the book claims this to be a story half way between the two but whilst the setting is indeed the same in both respects, the theme is one of isolation, remoteness in every sense of the world, and not knowing where we truly belong and whether we are in the right place in the world

“When the sun finally returned to the Arctic Circle and stained the grey sky with blazing streaks of pink, Augustine was outside, waiting.”

“The Rosy glow spilled over the horizon and seeped into the icy blue of the tundra casting indigo shadows across the snow”

The Polar observatory, the Artic

Augustine is a sad figure staying here while everyone else returns home. Reminders of that old man in the observatory in Day After Tomorrow. Poor thing as he’e living out the rest of his life here and refuses to leave it despite the obvious danger. Any danger out here is going to be bad. In the Arctic, no one can hear you scream.

Outer Space

Sulley is on a mission to Outerspace when all contact with mission control is broken. What do you do trapped in Outer Space?

This is a novel about isolation, claustrophobia and the bonds between people, love, family and life itself.

Booktrailer Review

Clare: @thebooktrailer

A strange one this. For the descriptions of loneliness, the desolate beauty of the Arctic and the sense of being lost in a world full of people, it’s an evocative read full of careful research and lovely descriptive writing.  I was  a bit dubious about reading about Outer Space but that’s only because I’m not really a fan of books set here. Plus there’s not exactly easy to map out! However it was the two stories of remoteness and isolation that stood out so I guess the setting, whether the Arctic of Outer Space is not too dissimilar.

I realise this is science fiction of a sort but I don’t think I read this book at the right time. I felt depressed reading about such isolation and lack of hope. I think the message if you like in the book is how people deal not so much with the world itself but how they deal with their inner worlds. In this sense there was some haunting writing and some well evoked feelings and frustrations. It just wasn’t for me I’m afraid.  The writing is very evocative and beautiful overall however so there are a lot of shivering lines I will never forget!

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  Good Morning, Midnight

Author/Guide: Lily Brooks-Dalton  Destination: The Arctic, Outer Space

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