Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
  • Location: Halifax

Gus the Tortoise Takes a Walk

Gus the Tortoise Takes a Walk

Why a Booktrail?

You’ll be heading straight to the Halifax to see if you can find Gus the tortoise!

  • ISBN: 978-1551099064
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

It’s a busy day at the Museum of Natural History. Gus the Tortoise is getting his new home, and while the curator is away, Elliot is in charge of moving all the boxes in and out of the museum to set up Gus’s home. But Elliot makes a big mistake, and the box with Gus in it gets left outside long enough for Gus to wander away! He strolls up and down Spring Garden Road, taking in all the exciting sights, while Elliot frantically searches for him. Finally Gus ends up in a quiet, shady corner of the Public Gardens, just right for a tortoise. Elliot goes to the Public Gardens to make a wish in a fountain that he will find Gus–and it comes true! He brings him back to his comfortable new home in the museum, and Gus settles in for a long sleep after his big adventure.

Travel Guide

Museum of Natural History

Go here and you might meet Gus!

Visit: naturalhistory.novascotia.ca

1747 Summer Street
Halifax, NS B3H 3A6, Canada


Streetview Maps

A) Halifax - Museum of Natural History
B) Halifax - Spring Garden Road

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Gus the Tortoise Takes a Walk

Author/ Guide: Erin Arsenault  Destination: Halifax (Canada)  Departure Time: 2000s

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