Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Wales

Half Way

Half Way

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Careful where you call for help….

  • ISBN: 978-1472127914
  • Genre: Crime, Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

The Halfway Inn is closed to customers, side-lined by a bypass and hidden deep in inhospitable countryside. One winter’s night, two women end up knocking on the door, seeking refuge as a blizzard takes hold.

But why is the landlord less than pleased to see them? And what is his elderly father trying so hard to tell them?

At the local police station PC Lissa Lloyd is holding the fort while the rest of her team share in the rare excitement of a brutal murder at an isolated farmhouse. A dangerous fugitive is on the run – but how can Lissa make a name for herself if she’s stuck at her desk? When a call comes in saying the local district nurse is missing, she jumps at the chance to investigate her disappearance.

The strangers at Halfway wait out the storm, but soon realise they might have been safer on the road. It seems not all the travellers will make it home for Christmas .

Travel Guide


(c) Google

(c) Google

What’s the worst that could happens on a bus somewhere south-east of Aberystwyth in twenty-first century Britain?

This is remote land, farmland and a very chilling farmhouse set back from the road:

“Light blazes rom the windows of the farmhouse, illuminating it like a film set at the point where the actors are about to take their places before someone shouts action.”


The desolate landscape

Though it’s not even lunchtime I can feel the air stiffening around mea s the road winds on for ever between the deep  wedges of trees. Occasionally the pines pull back from their military stance, but only to show the backs of identical brown and white fields littered with crows.”

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Halfway

Destination : Wales  Author/Guide: B. E. Jones  Departure Time: 2000s

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