Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Alaska

Hello Again

Hello Again

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A psychiatrist works in a remote Alaskan facility with the most dangerous of minds

  • ISBN: 978-1472240996
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Dr Evelyn Talbot has spent her life looking over her shoulder after her teenage boyfriend Jasper Moore kidnapped, tortured and left her for dead.

She only just escaped with her life, he disappeared without a trace, and twenty-two years later Evelyn can still feel him lurking in the shadows. Studying the psychopathic minds at Hanover House – Alaska’s first mental health facility for psychopaths – is how she will track him down.

Lyman Bishop could be the perfect subject. Evelyn discovers he is just as intelligent and trustworthy as Jasper appeared, but that’s just how evil lurks here. In the most unassuming and remote place on earth…

Travel Guide


A  place noted for its remote buildings, vast open landscape and now, in this novel a mental health facility where the most dangerous minds are locked up:

It’s located in the fictional town of Hilltop,” a small, remote town about an hour outside of Anchorage’

This is the institution that De Evelyn Talbot has wanted to create for years ever since she was attacked and kidnapped by her ex boyfriend. This place might be graphic and dangerous to outsiders but to her, it’s a way of dealing with her past.

“Most inmates where’s excited to be send to such a cold and foreign place, so far from friends and loved ones”

There is only one policeman in Hill Top – and he’s dating the Doctor. The men inside these prison walls are not unlike Hannibal, John Wayne Gacy and BTK

The weather is cold, un forgiving and brutal in every sense.

Be aware of entering this place, as there are some who never leave. Hill Top House certainly never ever leaves them. “We are all evil in some form or another” The night stalker – Richard Ramirez

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

This was a gory and glorious read! Very silence of the Lambs in many ways – from the men incarcerated to the way they are dealt with and locked up, transferred from one cell to another. Dr Evelyn Talbot works at this place, in fact it’s her baby so to speak, and everyone wonders why she wants to work there. Well, I did too but then you realise her past and it’s understandable if not recommended or something many others would do!

Her determination to seek out the man who almost destroyed her is admirable. She’s not to be messed with that’s for sure. A great, strong characters with many complex layers. Although this is book two, I didn’t feel unconnected to her or her life, but I’m definately going to read it now. Alaska is snowy, remote and cold of course, but this portrayal of it, really sent the shivers up my spine. VERY chilling in many places and that ending! Blimey. I almost gave a round of applause.

It gets you going, makes you jump if you’re reading in silence and then hear a noise and the tension is HUGE. Yup, a darn good read this one. More than your average serial killer thriller. The landscape and sense of foreboding really makes this pop.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Hello Again

Destination : Alaska  Author/Guide: Brenda Novak  Departure Time: 2000s

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