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  • Location: Barcelona

Homage to Barcelona

Homage to Barcelona

Why a Booktrail?

1930s: An homage to one of Europe’s greatest cities

  • ISBN: 978-0330373562
  • Genre: Travelogue

What you need to know before your trail

Not a travel book, although the reader will learn much about the city, its artists politicians and history. This is a love letter, a homage and a deeply entrenched belief and passion of the author that this is a city which deserves a special status.

Travel Guide


This book celebrates one of Europe’s greatest cities — a cosmopolitan city of vibrant architecture and art, great churches and museums, intriguing port life and extravagant nightclubs, restaurants and bars.

It’s a fascinating portrayal of the  city’s founding, and growth in the nineteenth century. You will witness the lives of Gaudi, Miro, Casals and Dali.

It is also a look at the politics of the region – the history of Catalan nationalism, the tragedy of the Civil War, the Franco years, and the transition from dictatorship to democracy.

A good  introduction to Barcelona, its history and culture. Short chapters on Gaudi, Picasso, Miro, the Civil War, and the death of Franco and the advent of democracy give you just information to visit the places and to start your research if you  wish to know more.

“The devil looks down to Barcelona. The city is a bowl surrounded by hills: Montjuic, Monterols, Putget, la Creueta, Collserola, Tibidabo. The devil looks down from Tibidabo where he brought Jesus, during His forty-day fast in the desert. This is where he tempted Him with all the kingdoms of the world. ‘To thee I will give: Tibidabo.’ And he showed Him Barcelona.”

Streetview Maps

A) Barcelona - Passeig de Picasso
B) Barcelona - The Cathedral

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:  Homage to Barcelona

Author/Guide: Colm Tóibín  Destination: Barcelona  Departure Time: 1990s

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