Why a Booktrail?
2000s: You have to read a book with a title as eye catching as this!
2000s: You have to read a book with a title as eye catching as this!
In the university town of Tai’an, a small city where pigs’ hooves are available at the local supermarket, donkeys share the road with cars, and the warm-hearted locals welcome this strange looking foreign family, the Arringtons settle in . . . but not at first. Aminta teaches at the university, not realizing she is countering the propaganda the students had memorized for years. Her creative, independent (and loud) American children chafe in their classrooms, the first rung in society’s effort to ensure conformity. The family is bewildered by the seemingly endless cultural differences they face, but they find their way.
The author states in the very first line that he fell in love with China through its language
His friend writes home on the blackboard and realises that in the character you can see a roof over the classic Chinese character for pig.
“In ancient China, the life of man and his swine were so bound up together that the pigs just wandered through the house. You can se history and culture reflected in the character for home – a pig with a roof over it”
“What I had thought were mere strokes and dashes suddenly came alive on the page. These characters were a porthole through which I had a direct view into the China of more than three thousand years ago.
Destination: China Author/Guide: Aminta Arrington Departure Time: 2000s
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