Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Birmingham

Homecoming for the Chocolate Girls

Homecoming for the Chocolate Girls

Why a Booktrail?

1946: The war might be over but for the Gilby family there are still battles to be fought at home . . .

  • ISBN: 978-1035019946
  • Genre: Familiy drama, Fiction, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

For Birmingham and the Gilby family the war years have been a time of great change. With her husband having left her for another woman, Ann Gilby is finally free to follow her heart. While the neighbours may be scandalized by having a divorcee in their midst, Ann is determined to rise above the local gossip and make a happy home with her former sweetheart, the father of Ann’s youngest child.

Meanwhile daughters Joy and Sheila are lucky enough to have their menfolk back home, but Joy’s husband has returned from his experiences in a Japanese prisoner of war camp a broken man.

Travel Guide

Bournville village/Cadbury World

Cadbury World is situated in the historic Bournville village

In 1879, Richard and George Cadbury decided to move their expanding business from Birmingham’s city centre into the countryside four and a half miles away.. Cadbury World is located in Birmingham in the Heart of England.

Most of the book takes place in and around the factory.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Homecoming for the Chocolate Girls

Destination/Location: Birmingham, Cadbury World  Author: Annie Murray Departure: 1940s

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