Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: On a flight between England and Australia



Why a Booktrail?

2000s: It’s twenty hours to landing. A lot can happen in twenty hours . . .

  • ISBN: 978-0751577068
  • Genre:

What you need to know before your trail

The atmosphere on board the first non-stop flight from London to Sydney is electric. Celebrities are rumoured to be among the passengers in business class, and the world is watching the landmark journey.

Flight attendant Mina is trying to focus on the passengers, instead of her troubled five-year-old daughter back at home – or the cataclysmic problems in her marriage.

But soon after the plane takes off, Mina receives a chilling anonymous note. Someone wants to make sure the plane never reaches its destination. They’re demanding her cooperation . . . and they know exactly how to get it.



Travel Guide

A 24 hour flight you will never forget

The flight in the novel is a new and exciting one as it’s the first 24 hour flight which is non-stop from England to Australia.

One of the flight attendants finds a note addressed to her on a tea tray. It says she has to follow instructions to the letter if she is to see her daughter alive again. The young daughter is currently with her father. They might not be on the plane but they are the ones in danger too.

Imagine a high-jack situation and not really knowing who the high hijackers are or what they want. Would you choose to save your family or those on board? What kind of choice can you make stuck in the air, flying across the world. A locked room essentially with nowhere to escape…

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Hostage

Destination/location: England to Australia Author/guide: Clare Macintosh  Departure Time: 2000s, 1940s

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