Why a Booktrail?
A lovely lullaby which asks animals such as a lizard, monkey, and water buffalo to be quiet and not disturb the sleeping baby.
A lovely lullaby which asks animals such as a lizard, monkey, and water buffalo to be quiet and not disturb the sleeping baby.
The author says : “I grew up on the outskirts of Bangkok, Thailand. Home was an airy house next to a fishpond and a big garden, with rice fields, where water buffalo wallowed in mudholes, on the other side of the palm trees. I liked the usual things–eating roasted coconuts and fried bananas, chasing catfish in the grass in the rai
A story written for the author’s father who used to tell her wonderful stories of giants and turtles , elephants and warriors which would leave her more wide-eyed than sleepy.
She grew up in a small village just outside of Bangkok and the natural habitat in and around the city is evoked via the drawings as well as the words.
“Mosquito Mosquito, don’t come weeping”
“Can’t you see that baby’s sleeping?”
A lovely calming lullaby with animals at its heart.
Author/Guide: Minfong Ho Destination: Thailand
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