Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Bristol, Gower Peninsula (fictional Penfach)

I Let You Go

I Let You Go

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A world shattered, a haven on the Welsh coast, and a twist you will not see coming…

  • ISBN: 978-0751554151
  • Genre: Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

It just takes one second for your entire world to shatter into tiny pieces.

But it was a tragic accident wasn’t it? It just happened, and so fast she couldn’t have prevented that, could she?

The fight or flight response kicks in in this type of situation but it was the  later which Jenna took. Fleeing to a hideaway in Wales, she is desperate to start afresh and put the past in a box never to be opened. But there’s never a lid on these things is there? Somehow and sometime that box will reveal its secrets.

Meanwhile, back in Bristol, DI Ray Stevens is seeking justice for a mother who is living every parent’s worst nightmare. The case is all consuming and he and his team want justice.

Jenna knows what happened but speaking out will put her own future in jeopardy.

Travel Guide

Bristol and Wales – two places with two strands of the same story. In Bristol, the story starts with an accident and the start of a police investigation. Retreating from the scene of the crime and the memories of what happened in that split second, Jenna moves to a Welsh hideaway but the police investigation continues apace ..


It can never been easy for police officers to talk to a parent who has suffered such a tragedy but this is the job of Ray and his colleagues. a difficult job but an insight into the sensitivities of such a case and how something like this never leaves their minds. The ripples of the accident in the Fishponds area of the city, spread out and affect everyone of them. Ray in particular has the demands of family life to deal with. Want to know the sheer pressure that these men and women must face? The author has worked in CID for over ten years and the nuances in her descriptions shows.


Jenna has never been to Wales before but she’s grateful for the lack of ties and connections she has to the place. She is cautiously welcomed but Beth from the caravan park takes her under her wing. This new community is unsure what to make of this newcomer who wants to hide away. Staying in a remote cottage, the silence – in her head – is deafening as the past comes back to haunt her.

Booktrailer Review


A thriller which delivers . At first I thought I wouldn’t have any sympathy at all for Jenna and her situation nor really care what happened to her. But then I should have realised that Clare Mackintosh was, despite the title, not going to let me go. A clever one this but difficult to review without spoiling it. Just to say that the Welsh haven she escapes to is hauntingly beautiful and Jenna’s escape from Bristol to Wales is a sudden and perilous journey for all involved. You can tell a former detective has had a hand in this for the subtle nuances and unique insight into various places in the case.

A book chock full of human emotions – raw and brutal  – and when all interlaced together with the skill of a detective come writer, then you’re in for a rollercoaster ride.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: I Let You Go

Author/Guide: Clare Mackintosh    Destination: London    Departure Time: 2000s 

Twitter: @claremackint0sh    Facebook:  /ClareMackWrites    Web: claremackintosh.com

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