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Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
  • Location: London

I See You

I See You

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: You do the same thing every day. You know exactly where you’re going. You’re not alone..

  • ISBN: 978-0751566048
  • Genre: Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Imagine how you would feel like if one day, reading the classifieds section in a newspaper on the Tube in London, you found a picture of yourself printed on one of its pages. Then imagine that other women have also found pictures of themselves and that soon after they have become the victim of a series of crimes ranging from a robbery an attack or even murder.

When this happens to Zoe Walker, she is both horrified and confused as to what this might mean for her and she’s terrified by what might and could happen. Kelly is the police officer who starts the investigation and the two women join forces to really delve into the mind of someone playing a sick sort of game.

There’s CCTV cameras and social media all around in this modern age. Protecting us or allowing each and everyone of us to be surveyed?

Travel Guide

If you read this on the tube, be warned.

If you’re familiar with the tube or indeed any underground train network, you will feel the common feelings of the hustle and bustle, everyone looking at getting to their destination and not really looking at each other People buried in their newspapers, their bags and arms buried in the body of the next person, they’re so close.

You walk out of the tube station, viewed the by the CCTV, you’re being tracked by your phone. Would you know if someone was following you? then you see your photo in the paper.

Next time on the tube, look up and your fellow passengers and see if there is anyone taking an interest in you.

Streetview Maps

C) Anerly Road - railway and shops
C) Anerly road from the Crystal Palace end

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Can I just say that I actually did read some of this on the Tube. I didn’t realise it was set partly on the trains until I did so, but when I did, it felt even more creepy from the very first line. Then I almost felt as if I was in the book which has to be one of the strangest feelings I’ve ever had.  I finished the book in a coffee shop but still had that sense of  – where is the CCTV?

I really really loved I let You Go and was excited to read this. Clare does love those twists and there’s so many suspects, as there’s so many people on those trains and the voice of an unknown person narrates what they see and do when no- one is looking and noticing them.

I found this a chiller because of how plausible it could all be. Where is the next danger from  and as soon as a woman got off a train I was like – No!!  – get the bus or jump in a taxi now! Luckily Clare felt the same or this would have been  a very different novel.

And for the twist? Haha well I’m not going to tell you that, but let’s just say the set up and the denouement was creepily effective.  I let you go, now, I see you… if the next one is along the lines of  ‘I’m right behind you” I don’t think my heart will be able to cope.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:I See You

Author/Guide: Clare Mackintosh   Destination: London   Departure Time: 2000s

Twitter: @claremackint0sh    Facebook:  /ClareMackWrites    Web: claremackintosh.com

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