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  • Location: Brazil

If I Close My Eyes Now

If I Close My Eyes Now

Why a Booktrail?

1960s – A journey to Brazil  via its troubled history and its emergence as a new democracy with two young boys finding their way as their country does the same

  • ISBN: 978-0552778855
  • Translator: Nick Caistor
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

A story about the friendship between two young boys in 1960s Brazil.

A friendship that binds them together throughout their lives and how it remains strong through the events in their lives that will test them the most.

When these two boys discover a bloody body in a park they quickly become obsessed with finding out the truth about what happened.

Even after the police obtain a confession, the boys are not convinced that they have the right man and believe that there is a lot more to the case than the police realise.

When they see an old man going into the house where the victim lived, they think that they have found the real killer.

Travel Guide

A history of abuse and secrets come tumbling out against a backdrop of world events in 1960s Brazil. A backdrop that can and does include scenes of graphic violence and sex that may not be to every reader’s taste.

“Brazil, “a country capable of advancing 50 years in only five of full democracy, as it lurches out of the developing world”

And as for the history of Brazil, well this comes out loud and clear and reads as concise but a whole lot more interesting than any history book – for this is history how it affects the people who live in it and through it…

These two young boys are bonded in friendship first and then the shocking events which follow. As if a hidden cord is formed on that day which ties them together throughout life.
The tie that binds is also a timeline of sorts of Brazil’s political and social history. Seen through the eyes of two young boys in small town Brazil.

The spirit of these two boys, their grit and determination is what will determine what this shocking discovery will have on them. Theirs is a world of corruption and vice and even when they get help from a man who has been taken in to a Catholic Church run home, they are as a group considered unimportant and undervalued given their status in society. Childhood innocence such as wanting to be an astronaut makes them want to discover new worlds. As for Brazil, they even have a plan –

“One of us thought we might be president of Brazil and put an end to the century-old drought and hunger in the north-east.”

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