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  • Location: Paris, Ile De France, Royaumont

In Falling Snow

In Falling Snow

Why a Booktrail?

WW1 –  There are many war stories of people who did amazing things for the good of others during such a horrific time. In 1917,  a group of women founded the Scottish Women’s hospital at the French Abbey of Royaumont and history was made.

  • ISBN: 978-0749013332
  • Genre: Fiction, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

When Iris, now old and frail,  receives something unexpected in the post – an invitation to a WWI reunion in France, she is overcome with emotion and memories she has had to live with for many years.

Back in 1914, she followed her young brother to France intending to bring him home safely. But instead, she discovered the old abbey of Royaumont, where a group of women had set up a field hospital. Determined to play her part in the war effort, she stays. A decision which will test her, possibly break her and never leave her.. even many decades later.

Travel Guide

It may be told as one young Australian woman’s experience in France during 1914-1918 but this is the story of women in the war effort as a whole. Women who no longer had to work under the shadow of men –

At Royaumont, where we didn’t have a man in charge… it was different, as if we’d all breathed out a sigh and could relax”.

The Abbey at Royaumont just north of Paris was a place where Scottish doctors helped patch up and mend the broken men brought to them during WW1. Their unspoken role was done with pride and care for the men and boys who went out to fight. As one of them is Iris’ brother Tom, we get to see a single experience of hurt, pain, betrayal and love that is so representative of so many of that time.

“I knew no French history then, none of poor Royaumont’s vicissitudes, but if you could have seen the dawn cradling that beautiful stone structure in its soft fat arms, if I could have painted but a  poor cousin of its absolute perfection , you’d know what I mean.”

Iris’s story sits alongside that of her granddaughter who is also a doctor finding her way in the world of hospitals and motherhood. There may not be a war, but the struggles of the women shows the parallels of difficulties that have not been resolved decades later.

In her notes at the end of the novel,the author writes that although her story is fictional, the story of Royaumont is very much real. What she recreates on the page is the spirit and the unfailing compassion of these women who gave up so much for the war effort. The violence of the war is brought into stark reality against the comfort and rescue mission of the women at the abbey. Women who society had no role for, created one for themselves and with such courage.

Royaumont is a character and a setting in this book for it is the spirit of the place which is honoured. Place yourself in this amazing place and realise just how cruel yet challenging history can really be.

Booktrailer Review


An amazing part of history that I had not heard of before. Not only is the setting stunningly evoked but the spirit and courage of these amazing women who worked there is humbling to read. This book gave me a new insight into the war effort and the role of women – their struggles to even form the hospital and the constant effort needed to keep it going in order to treat the any casualties who passed through their doors.

Scenes of violence are sometimes described – others just off the page but both are as horrific as each other all the more so for their realistic nature.

A worthy read and the story of war years later on generations and generations of women in this case who lived through it.

Very sad in parts, poignant in others but all so beautifully evoked.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information”

Web: mary-rosemaccoll.com

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