Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Darwin, Kakadu

Kakadu Sunset

Kakadu Sunset

Why a Booktrail?

2000s:  Imagine soaring above the stunning Kakadu National Park in a helicopter? Seeing the Kakadu sunset for real?

  • ISBN: B016CQ8DKO
  • Genre: Fiction, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Imagine flying high up above the stunning Kakadu National Park in a helicopter? The sense of freedom and joy it would bring (depending on how terrified you might be) would be incalculable.  Ellie Porter is a helicopter pilot and loves soaring above the world, free from her problems and the questions around her father’s suicide.

But an excavation on farmland close to home turns up more questions than answers and so Ellie vows to investigate. Her co- pilot is the son of those who own the farm now and things soon get complicated.

Travel Guide

Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory is a stunning area of land and scenery. Ellie has the best job as she flies over this land everyday and can you imagine the views she has!? The area is close to her heart as she grew up here and so knows every bump and riverbed, which is also close to her heart.

She only had to leave the area because her family moved following her father’s suicide and loss of the farm. But it still means something to her of course – her past, her memories and her childhood.

This land means freedom from the present and an escape back into the past so when she sees excavation work in the are which is not allowed, she investigates with a passion that most people wouldn’t have.

The mystery of Kakadu, the amazing sunsets and the main character, a pilot who sees the land from the most unique angle of all – quite a literary journey!

Streetview Maps

A) Kakadu National Park
A) Kakadu National Park

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Destination: Kakadu National Park   Departure Time: 2000s  Kakadu Sunset

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