Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Oslo, Tønsberg, Natal (Brazil)



Why a Booktrail?

2000s: the third and final installment of the Henning Juul series

  • ISBN: 978-1910633991
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Crime reporter Henning Juul thought his life was over when his young son was murdered. But that was only the beginning…

Determined to find his son’s killer, Henning doggedly follows an increasingly dangerous trail, where dark hands from the past emerge to threaten everything. His ex-wife Nora is pregnant with another man’s child, his sister Trine is implicated in the fire that killed his son and, with everyone he thought he could trust seemingly hiding something, Henning has nothing to lose … except his own life.

And he’s out for revenge and also for answers.

Travel Guide


The Thomas Enger Tour of the book:


I would definitely start that tour in Seilduksgata, where Henning lives. He still lives in the same building where Jonas died, by the way, so it’s natural to start there. Then I would show people the rest of Grünerløkka (it’s not a huge part of town), the school Jonas went to, the Birkelunden park, the streets that Henning walk when he goes to work, Olaf Ryes plass, the Deichmanske library, his work place (123 news).

I might take them on a trip to Ekebergsletta as well, where one of the first scenes in the first book takes place (a man is out walking his dog when he discovers a body of a woman inside a tent. She is half buried into the ground). I would probably end the tour at Dælenenga, the local football stadium Henning thinks of as his sanctuary, a place to go to seek comfort and solace. It’s where he used to take his son to play football, so he just sits there from time to time and watches the other kids play.



Streetview Maps

C) Norway - Oslo - Seilduksgata, where Henning lives
D) Norway - Oslo - Deichmanske library
I) Norway - Tonsberg
J) Brazil - Natal and beach

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

A gripping and fitting last in the Henning Juul series. This packs and punch from the off and the fact Henning is getting closer to the truth about what happened to his son is gripping. You feel the pain of this man, you feel his confusion and anger and every emotion in between.

The story flows nicely and jumps at you with one twist and punch to the gut after another. Oslo’s streets are mean! But this time, there’s an international flavour with Natal in Brazil and the massacre in Izbica Poland bring an international and even more deadly angles to the already loaded story.

This is a very fitting end to a great series. I just hope there might be more of this type of novel from Thomas very soon!

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Killed

Destination: Oslo, Tønsberg, Natal (Brazil)   Author/Guide:  Thomas Enger Departure Time: 2000s

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