Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Gloucestershire

Lark Song

Lark Song

Why a Booktrail?

They want to move on—but one terrible truth could shatter it all.


  • ISBN: 978-1477805121
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

As a widowed mother of three, new love seems impossible for Freya—until she meets Duncan, and suddenly she feels alive again. But there are secrets afflicting Freya’s family, some more sinister than others, that could destroy their relationship before it has a chance to flourish.

While Freya’s older children are less than welcoming, six-year-old Sophie helps Duncan find his place in the family—but even Sophie harbours fears that threaten to overshadow any chance of a new start. The past is hard to leave behind when pictures of Freya’s idolised late husband hang in every room, and the more Duncan tries to find the source of Sophie’s anxiety, the more he is convinced that Reuben was not the perfect husband and father Freya remembers.

Tormented by concern and his own insecurity, Duncan begins an obsessive investigation into the dead man’s past. But when his good intentions lead him in too deep, he risks destroying everything he has built with Freya—and the whole family’s second chance at happiness.

Travel Guide

Malvern Hills

Malvern Hills (c) Google

Malvern Hills (c) Google

Severn Valley

There are no locations in the novel but it it set in the region of Gloucestershire and Cheltenhan is where the couple first meet. The rest of the setting such as the Malvern Hills and the Severn Valley is merely a backdrop to the character led plot.

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Lark Song

Destination : Gloucestershire  Author/Guide: Jane Bailey  Departure Time: 2000s

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