Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Moscow, Voronezh

Last Dance at the Discotheque for Deviants

Last Dance at the Discotheque for Deviants

Why a Booktrail?

1993: The venue was way out of town and difficult to get to. What happens when you are there?

  • ISBN: 978-1800182202
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

The end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union have brought unimaginable change to Russia. With this change come new freedoms: freedom to travel abroad and to befriend Westerners, freedom to make money, and even the freedom for an underground gay scene to take root.

Encouraged by the new climate of openness, twenty-one-year-old Kostya ventures out of the closet and resolves to pursue his dreams: to work in the theatre and to find love as his idol Tchaikovsky never could. Those dreams, however, lead to tragedy – not only for Kostya, but for his mother and for the two young men he loves, as all three face up to the ways they have betrayed him.

Travel Guide


The nightclub is set to be at the end of one of the many metro lines in the city. There are two on the map to show distance and remoteness once the train lines stop. What a place to find the Red Hammer Cement works and secret underground club!

There are a few places in Moscow in the novel but the club is where it’s mostly at.


Voronezh is Kostaya’s hometown and many chapters are set here. It is in fact, known as “The Cradle of the Russian Fleet” as in the 17th century, Peter the Great built his famous fleet here. Quite a place to visit!

BookTrail Boarding Pass:  Last Dance at the Discotheque for Deviants

Destination/Location: Moscow, Voronezh  Author: Paul David Gould   Departure: 1993

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