Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Costa Rica

Leatherback Blues

Leatherback Blues

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Robin is kidnapped by dangerous poachers while trying to save leatherback turtles in Central America.

  • ISBN: 978-1459740174
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

Robin works at a wild animal rescue foundation and spends her free-time saving all kinds of animals. She loves her job and working with such cute creatures who need her help and that of her family. So, when she discovers a Turtle rescue group in Costa Rica she is desperate to go and see this amazing creatures.

She is keen to go when they are laying their eggs as this will be amazing. However,  she realises it’s not going to be easy working in this country – there are strange bugs, and extreme heat to contend with. The problem with  poachers is a very real one.

Robin and her family have a tough job on their hands. But will they beat the poachers and save the turtles?

Travel Guide

Turtles in Costa Rica – Tortuguero or the “Region of Turtles

The green sea turtle is primarily found in Tortuguero National Park, the largest nesting site for green sea turtles in the Western Hemisphere.

This is one of the most popular destinations for viewing turtles in Costa Rica

In the novel the Playa Tortuguitas is fictional as is the sanctuary but it’s reminiscent of the sanctuaries out there which look after and feed the turtles to get them back into the wild.

Nesting beaches

Ostional Beach is the largest of two locations in Costa Rica where the annual arribada, or the arrival of olive ridley sea turtles takes place. This is such a unique sight to see that it only happens in about nine places all cross the world. Thousands of turtles come ashore during the rainy season and lay their eggs at night. Imagine having a tour here at night and seeing this for yourself!?




Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

It might be for 9 – 12 year olds but I really enjoyed this! Very informative and fun to read showing the importance of looking after and protecting animals of all kinds. The passion of this family for going out to Costa Rica and saving the turtles is amazing and of course this being an adventure story, there’s tales of poachers and dangers too. A great little adventure with a strong message.The turtle illustrations at the start of every chapter are a nice touch as well!

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Leatherback Blues

Destination: Costa Rica  Author/Guide: Karen Hood-Caddy  Departure Time: 2000s

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