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  • Location: Berlin

Lehrter Station

Lehrter Station

Why a Booktrail?

1945: Berlin is growing, breaking, dying and trying to survive..

  • ISBN: 978-1906964757
  • Genre: Historical, Spy story

What you need to know before your trail

November 1945. John Russell is walking home through the grey streets of postwar London when his old accomplice, Soviet agent Yevgeny Shchepkin, falls into step beside him. Shchepkin informs Russell that his masters in Moscow have decided it’s time to pay them back for securing his safe exit from Russia in the last days of the war. Russell must return to Berlin to spy on his former colleagues in the German Communist Party, reporting on any deviation from the Stalinist line.

Worse, he is ordered to offer his services to the Americans – in short, to become a double agent on Stalin’s payroll. But Russell knows too well how short the life expectancy of a double agent is.

Travel Guide

Lehrter Station, Berlin

A real railway station in Berlin, 1945 and the name of the novel. Lehrter Bahnhof (Lehrte Station) opened in 1871 as the terminus of the railway linking Berlin with Lehrte, near Hanover, which later became Germany’s most important east-west main line.

The novel illustrates a fallen Germany, a Berlin divided and a city trying to survive at all costs. If you are Jewish you are in real danger everyday as many are being taken to the work camps for what they say is hard labour. the truth is however a lot more deadly.

You don’t, can’t trust your neighbour, you daren’t find out where your relatives may have gone. Even the big political players are eyeballing each other over the war trenches – violence and suspicion are dangerous partners in crime.

The American  & Russian divide is growing bigger than anyone expected. Israel is becoming a growing concern. Plans to divide this region are ongoing….
Chaos reigns and absolute chaos reigns absolutely.

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Lehrter Station

Destination: Berlin  Author/Guide: David Downing  Departure Time: 1945

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