Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Brighton, Sussex

Liar’s Chair

Liar’s Chair

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A woman who seems to have everything but risks it all.. and a husband who helps her do it.

  • ISBN: 978-1447265818
  • Genre: Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Rachel Teller and her husband David appear to have everything – fulfilment, happiness, a big house and successful business . . . but control lingers under the calm veneer.

But one day Rachel kills a man in a drunken accident and everything changes. Her husband takes over and hides the evidence. Rachel is racked with guilt and as her guilt and strange behaviour grows so too does David’s control and darker side she has never fully witnessed before.

She wants to atone for her sins. But her husband won’t hear of it…

Travel Guide

A dark and eerie setting of the back country lanes in and around Brighton. The calm of the country sliced open with an act of brutality that opens the novel and sets the scene for the rest of the story.
The weather seems to mimic the growing resentment of the characters and the sense of foreboding that reigns –

Summer is ending, at last, and all those extended, overheated weeks are finally blowing their top.

Blackthorne Lane where the accident takes place is one of winding roads, hedges and remote farmland and Rachel is driving in a top or the range car when it happens.
What happens next however will determine everything. It’s when we get back home and see the reaction of David that the real tragedy starts –

“All I know for certain is that David’s reaction to discovering my affair with Will would be more extreme than his response to finding out I’ve killed a man.”

The marriage and Rachel’s Sanity seem to crumble at the same time and she admits that she mistook rigidity for love and control for caring. Her life is ‘a meticulously crafted machine’

But despite the twists and turns which take Rachel to places she may not want to go, we always come back to the events not only in Blackthorne Lane but those that happened between her and her husband after that.

Booktrailer Review


The book starts with a hit and run by a drunken driver and this immediately set my nerves on edge for I hated the driver already. No excuses, no explanations I thought. But having that feeling in the back of your mind is what spurs you on to read – does she get what is coming to her?

Well, much of the book is based on the how and why and what happens within Rachel’s marriage so to say too much is to give the game away. Some I found hard to read given the subject matter but there again being trapped inside Rachel’s head alongside her thoughts and guilt is a tough yet vital read. I thought I would hate Rachel and David and I did but not the reasons I first expected.

This is not a book to like the characters and for that reason I wanted bad things to happen to them. But the unravelling of the marriage and David is quite a read for those who like physiological dramas of the highest order.

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