Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Brighton

Little Gold

Little Gold

Why a Booktrail?

1982: Brighton in the early 80s, there is Little Gold but a lot of silver linings

  • ISBN: 978-1787199958
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

The heat is oppressive and storms are brewing in Brighton in the summer of 1982. Little Gold, a boyish girl on the brink of adolescence, is struggling with the reality of her broken family and a home descending into chaos. Her only refuge is the tree at the end of her garden.

Into her fractured life steps elderly neighbour, Peggy Baxter. The connection between the two is instant, but just when it seems that Little Gold has found solace, outsiders appear who seek to take advantage of her frail family in the worst way possible. In an era when so much is hard to speak aloud, can Little Gold share enough of her life to avert disaster? And can Peggy Baxter, a woman running out of time and with her own secrets to bear, recognise the danger before it’s too late?

Travel Guide

Visit Brighton

Little goldEven before the novel begins, the short note at the start explains that Little Gold draws on the Brighton of the author’s childhood.

And what about life in the 1980s? What are your memories? Ah Woolworths and Wagon Wheels, weekly vocabulary tests and shopping at the local Co- op, finding your way in the world and wondering about those strange kitkats of the time. Of course not all of these memories are particular to the 80s…

Life was awkward back then for many growing up and before the days of social media,bullying and jibes were just as fierce but more hidden and just as hurtful.

Brighton comes to life as the author shows you around:

The pavilion

Little Gold stands here and wonders if one day she’ll ever get to see the Taj Mahal. The Pavillion is a “ridiculous meringue of a thing”

Brighton Pier

You haven’t been to Brighton if you haven’t stood here in gale force winds and tried to eat candy floss or ice -cream or those giant candy dummies without getting them stuck to your hair.

Brighton Beach

Eating chips with the seagulls squawking above you and the vinegar ‘singing in your nostrils”

Steepest Hill and Preston Park

Where the children play and where you can get a panda pop for 15 p

Streetview Maps

B) Brighton - The Pier
D) Brighton - Preston Park

Booktrailer Review

Susan @thebooktrailer

As a child of the 80s myself, this was like strolling down memory lane. What a joy of a book to read and a lovely heartwarming story to boot. Don’t be fooled into thinking that this is a cute book however -there is heartbreak, despair and more and some serious issues dealt with. Taking place against a backdrop of the Falklands war and other world events, this is a changeable and challenging time.

The book more than captures the spirit of those times but also the underlying current of growing up and not seeing the dangers we’re perhaps overly cautious about today. Or maybe were more hidden then…

Little Gold has a heart of gold that’s for sure – she has a life of hardship and I wanted to hug her on more than one occasion. It’s hard enough growing up without having the issues and the parents Little gold has but warm glow you get when reading this, despite a few tears and a visit to Brighton when the sunshine fades and the tourists leave the trash and the social problems behind, is well worth the read.

I loved the relationship between Little Gold and Peggy. I just know that with her tree climbing ways, she and I would have been firm friends. And we would have had tea with Peggy I just know it.

Best enjoyed with a supply of wagon wheels and endless  bottles of pop.


Booktrail Boarding Pass: Little Gold

Author/Guide: Allie Rogers  Destination: Brighton  Departure Time: 1980s

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