Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: St Albans, London

Look At Me

Look At Me

Why a Booktrail?

2000s:  Imagine if you invited a perfect stranger into your home but she just happens to be your sister?

  • ISBN: 978-1472229847
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

Lizzy lives in North London with her father and brother. Two years ago her mother died and ever since their lives have been empty and sad. Everything in their home reminders of the lovely, beautiful woman she was – the bond that kept the family together.

So the day Lizzy discovers that her father has had a secret love child for years, and that she now has a half sister, she is shocked to the core. She decides to take matters into her own hands and invites her ‘sister’ into the family home.

Straight away, it’s obvious that this is not going to be a happy ending.

Travel Guide

North London – The family home and the main setting of the chaos which unfolds. A family home shattered to the core, when Eunice, the long lost ‘sister’ comes to the family home.

Julian the father and man whose actions have caused all this is a wine merchant still living the hippy lifestyle. Son Ig appears to be following in his father’s footsteps working as a reiki healer and their home is not at all conventional in style or content, However it was considered happy, until now.

Living in St Albans with her husband,  Eunice comes into their world. Takes over you might say, trying to make up for lost time? Working in a gift shop in St Albans, she stays for a while but when her marriage appears to break up, she comes back. And this time things are different.

A stranger in your home, who is your sister is not an easy house guest. She is tidy where you are not. She seems organised in life while you are a failed actress. She is like looking in the mirror but what you see staring back is nothing like you imagine or would ever care to see.

Booktrailer Review

Susan  @thebooktrailer :

A short book which reads in a blur — much like the whirlwind that is Eunice coming to stay. She enters your brain for the time you are reading and then, whoosh she’s gone again in a flash. But like in one of those time delay pictures, you see traces of her everywhere, the outline of where she’s been lingering in mid air….

That’s how I felt after reading this short novel. Elizabeth doesn’t realise until it’s too late what she’s let into the family home. what Eunice staying there makes her feel like and how she feels finding out she now has a sister and her life has been a partial lie up until this point. Hidden and suppressed emotions come flooding out and the result is messy. I often had the feeling of watching a car crash waiting to happen. Should I be reading this, watching these people? However I did, and the feeling of ‘ what just happened?’ will stay with me for  a while yet.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @sduguid26

Web: sarahduguid.com

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