Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Brighton

Looking Good Dead (Roy Grace 2)

Looking Good Dead (Roy Grace 2)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Peter James’ Brighton comes to life with a few choice places in the town in addition to the omnipresent pier. You won’t want to visit some of the places Tom does however…

  • ISBN: 978-0330545976
  • Genre: Crime, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

Tom Bryce finds a CD which someone has left behind on the train so like any good citizen, he picks it up and decides to return it to its owner. But this CD is going to lead to him seeing a murder and then wondering what on earth he is going to do now.

Things get a lot lot worse when his family are threatened with their lives if they go to the police. There’s a website which shows notice of their deaths and where you can log on and see them ‘looking good dead.

Roy Grace takes on the case when bravely Kellie, Tom’s wife goes for help but this is only the start of the nightmare.

Travel Guide

A creepy insight into the every day life of a man, living in Brighton with his family minding his own business until the day he spots a CD on a train. Handing it in, a case of lost property suddenly turns a simple journey on a train into a nightmare of huge and unimaginable proportions. The CD drops him head first into a side of Brighton he never knew and wished he didn’t know existed. A snuff movie is on the CD, his computer is hacked and suddenly he is being hunted across town.

Roy Grace is also plunged into this dark and strange world with the growth of cyber crime being an area he has to come to grips with pretty quickly. The title of the novel Looking Good Dead really starts to sound ever more creepy as modern technology starts to act as a criminal itself. A simple CD…..

The snuff movie angle also creeps out and with the blend of an ordinary citizen drawn into such a dark world, this blends together two very different sides of society.

Streetview Maps

Brighton: Train Station
Be careful what you find on a train.....
Brighton: Marina/Seattle Hotel

"They had been building Brighton Marina for as long as Roy Grace could remember"
Brighton: Kemp Town
Janie Stretton’s flat is here.
Brighton: Agua Dulce Restaurant
Used to be Latin in the Lanes

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @peterjamesuk

Facebook: /peterjames.roygrace

Web: peterjames.com

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