Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: England, fictional Almanby

Lost in the Garden

Lost in the Garden

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Like folklore. It was just something everyone knew, a rule to be followed. Don’t go to Almanby.

  • ISBN: 978-1915368485
  • Genre:

What you need to know before your trail

Heather, Rachel and Antonia are going to Almanby.

Heather needs to find her boyfriend who, like so many, went and never came back.

Rachel has a mysterious package to deliver, and her life depends on it.

And Antonia – poor, lovestruck Antonia just wants the chance to spend the day with Heather.

So off they set through the idyllic yet perilous English countryside, in which nature thrives in abundance and summer lasts forever, and as they travel through ever-shifting geography and encounter strange voices in the fizz of shortwave radio, the harder it becomes to tell friend from foe.

Travel Guide

Almanby, England

The village is fictional – or is it? Very creepy and the journey there is eerie and chilling.

The book takes place along the perilous roads of the chilling English countryside. This is summer – just look at the idyllic cover. It’s here that nature thrives in abundance and summer lasts forever. There’s a village similar in name to Headingham which is real….

As they travel through ever-shifting geography they encounter strange voices in the fizz of shortwave radio. Then the harder it becomes to tell friend from foe.

Creepy, dreamlike, unsettling and unforgettable – you are about to join the privileged few who come to understand exactly why we don’t go to Almanby.

BookTrail Boarding Pass:  Lost in the Garden

Destination/Location: Fictional Almanby, England Author: Adam S. Leslie  Departure: 2000s

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