Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Dublin

Lying in Wait

Lying in Wait

Why a Booktrail?

1980s: You can never really know someone. No, sometimes not even yourself.

  • ISBN: 978-1844883639
  • Genre: Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

What a tangled web we weave could also be a title for this book. A seemingly ordinary and nice couple live in a nice part of town and seem to have everything life coudl offer. But then pull back the curtains and what goes on behind closed doors is something all together more different. Lydia and Andrew share a horrible secret and soon their son Laurence is in on it too. A girl has been murdered and is currently lying buried in their back garden underneath the bird bath. Lydia seems overly pleased that this girl is dead and grateful that Andrew killed her. “My husband did not mean to kill Annie Doyle, but the lying tramp deserved it.”  she says at the start of the book.The ripples of that stone are spreading fast….

Travel Guide

1980s Dublin

The novel is essentiatlly a character study but the setting of Dublin in the 1980s is dutifully evoked. Two families from very different ends of town – and the 1980s  extra details such as sitting on the stairs in the hallway on the phone just add to a time when thing were simpler quainter almost and supposedly happier.

Andrew Fitzsimons is a respected judge who, with wife Lydia  and only son Laurence lived in an old mansion called Avalon. this very house had been in Lydia’s family for years and she’s never left it, even living in it with husband Andrew when the dad was still alive. Avalon is in the plush suburb of Cabinteely, Dublin. Their life is one of privilege and what Lydia wants, Lydia gets. Father Stephen works in the city’s courts and Laurence attends a posh school

Across town, Karen and Annie are twins yet they could not have been more different. Annie had gone off the rails and Karen had always tried to help her and find out what went wrong. She goes missing and it’s Karen who goes looking across Dublin, to the poshest to the most salubrious side of town. This family has known drugs, prostitution and worse. When the two sides meet, it’s anyone’s guess who’s coming out of this looking good, or even alive

Booktrailer Review

Clare: @thebooktrailer

Jeeeeeeepers. If you love to hate characters in a novel, then this is the one for you. Why would a seemingly nice couple kill a young girl? Well, the answer will shock you as it did me. It’s not just that but the ripple effects which then spiral out of control until you don’t know who and what you believe. Blimey Liz, you got me really going with this one, it was like going to a club with rock music, drink and goodness knows what else knocking around and closing that final chapter was like standing outside in the cold night air, gasping for some kind of sense of what on earth had just happened, trying to make sense of it all and then turning back, seeing one of the characters give a sly wink before you head off on your way.

Lying in wait? Well you should be lying in wait for this one as it’s one thriller I’m not going to forget in a hurry. OMG.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: Lying in Wait

Author/ Guide: Liz Nugent  Destination: Dublin   Departure Time : 1980s

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