Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Perth

Man at the Window

Man at the Window

Why a Booktrail?

1960s: An exclusive boarding school with a dark, dark secret

  • ISBN: 978-1785769290
  • Genre: Crime, Police Procedural

What you need to know before your trail

When a boarding master at an exclusive boys’ school is shot dead, it appears to be accidental. Not thinking much of it, Cardilini, a detective with a bad reputation, is sent to write up the report.

Riled up by the privileged arrogance of the pupils at the school, Cardilini does not cooperate, deciding it’s time to use his instincts. Despite no real evidence, he declares the death a murder. But as his investigation deepens and dark secrets are uncovered, Cardilini finds himself fighting against the powerful elite of the school.

Cardilini is determined to bring justice to the victim, but is his pursuit helpful or harmful to those most affected by the death?

Travel Guide

Travel down to Perth BookTrail style with Man at the Window

This novel features themes such as alcoholism and institutionalized sexual abuse so beware before you start.

The location is Perth but the real setting is the fictional boarding school where the secrets come out in force. The Boarding school sounds odd and creepy from the outset:

“Cardilini pulled his car up on the tree lined sand verge adjoining the riverbank 200 yards from St Nicholas College. A thin crescent moon to the north provided no illumination.”

“The closest house was 100 yards away and completely surrounded by a yard full of tall trees. It looked abandoned. A car with its lights off could coast down the hill or come via the deserted river road, as he had done, then leave. No one would be the wiser.”

Booktrailer Review

Set in Perth Hooray in a (luckily fictional) Boarding School for boys near the Swan River. A teacher ends up dead. The cop on call heads out to investigate. Needless to say, nothing is as it seems.

It’s a complex case and one that continues to darken as the book goes on. The cop in charge Cardilini doesn’t seem up to the effort of the case at first. He’s got a set of serious problems himself plus he’s a drunk (yawn) How is he going to solve this case and not only that, get to the bottom of it? I was immediately bored with the drunk cop I admit (how many times have I read about this?) but then he has got more complex issues about a sense of justice that just about redeemed him by the end.

IT’s an interesting case and the investigation is raw and invasive – even a bit too voyeuristic at times. There’s a thread of thoughts from the voice of a young boy it would seem and this is effective, but boy does it bring it home that young boys are abused here.

A good first novel. I will read the next one. The setting, set up and complex case yet easy to immerse yourself in writing style wins it for me.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Man at the Window

Destination/location:Perth   Author/guide:  Robert Jeffreys  Departure Time:  1960s

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