Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Various

Maps of Imaginary Towns

Maps of Imaginary Towns

Why a Booktrail?

2024: A celebration of the resilience of the human spirit.

  • ISBN: 978-1915789303
  • Genre: Short Stories

What you need to know before your trail

From futuristic colonies to drab estates, SJ Bradley’s inventive stories showcase remarkable range. With lyrical prose and psychological depth, Bradley illuminates the quiet heroism pulsing through seemingly ordinary lives. Beleaguered, yet resourceful social workers battle towering workloads; a harassed elderly childminder collapses under the strain; a victim of domestic abuse strikes out for freedom and disgruntled workers in dead-end jobs dream of a brighter future.

Travel Guide

Maps of Imaginary towns

No locations but then that is what makes this a very special read.

Hollis is a character in the story of the same name:

“Hollis drew maps. He invented entire continents on paper. Mountain ranges and seas, small towns (Pop 32000) stretching, empty wastelands. Everything had detail. His towns had roads, back streets, alleys and lanes, and things apart from the usual sort. Instead of aa fire station and post office, Hollis’ towns had things like a flap in the street that lifted up foryou to scramble into and hide beneath…”

Booktrailer Review

Short stories with an ethereal and dystopian feel. Despite them being short stories, boy do they pack a punch. There’s one or two that really stand out for me and they took me through all kinds of emotions. Very clever but also dark and ….well now that would be telling. I like the fact that maps are part of the title, but it’s the very lack of them, a lack of direction  and knowing where you are in life etc that are the themes of the book.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Maps of Imaginary Towns

Destination/Location: Various  Author: S J Bradley  Departure: 2050

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