Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Mannheim, Vienna, Austria

Marrying Mozart

Marrying Mozart

Why a Booktrail?

1840s: An interesting tale of 4 sisters and the influence each of them had on the musical genius Mozart. Often described as a mix between the film Amadeus and Little Women.

  • ISBN: 978-0143034575
  • Genre: Historical

What you need to know before your trail

The Weber sisters – Josefa, Aloysia, Constanze, and Sophie (the narrator of the story) each has an influence on the musical genius.

Mozart is a passionate young man who first meets the four Weber sisters. When he arrives in Mannheim, he falls straight away for Aloysia, who sings as beautifully as she looks. He proposes but is told he can’t marry until he makes his fortune. So he leaves for Salzburg where he has a position but the turn of events will ensure that his fortunes change with him and that it might not be this Weber sister who holds the key to his future.

Travel Guide

From Mannheim, Munich, and Vienna, the world of Mozart is a very colourful and engaging one. His early life as he struggles to find his musical place in the world is beautifully created here and the world in which he lived and worked is fascinating whether you are a fan of his music or not.

The Weber house is a house of music. For every Thursday evening, the home becomes a concert hall for all kinds of musical performers to showcase their musical styles. The atmosphere is electric and the evenings very popular.

Negotiating among chairs, music stands and guests, he crossed the room and opened the door to the landing once again, The cold breeze whisked into the room and the candles fluttered.

One of the guests one evening is the enigmatic 21 year old Mozart. The year is 1777 and Mozart along with his mother first notices the sisters, gradually falling in love with one but marrying another! During the time he even lives with the family, he writes music for them.

You can feel yourself placed in the very halls, rooms and parlours of late eighteenth century homes. The way the girls dress, with their stockings and tousled hair illustrates just what it was like to live in a rich house.

As for the world of Mozart – be sure to play some of his music when reading this for the ultimate experience for every other detail is covered in some way, whether it be the level of his competitive streak or his struggle for recognition.

In the Archbishop’s home which Mozart visits –

“The room was papered in red damask, with bed hangings of the same weighty material, The enormous wood canopy bed could have slept a workman’s family.”

Eighteenth century Austria really comes to life as Mozart finds his feet, hones his talent and struggles through unforgiving and bitter winters. The inside of the great halls, the wooden paneled homes all give a flavour of the music which is being played in its grand rooms.

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