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  • Location: London

Never Be Broken (D.I. Marnie Rome 6)

Never Be Broken (D.I. Marnie Rome 6)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Children are dying on London’s streets.

  • ISBN: B07FM68979
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Children are dying on London’s streets. Frankie Reece, stabbed through the heart, outside a corner shop. Others recruited from care homes, picked up and exploited; passed like gifts between gangs. They are London’s lost.

Then Raphaela Belsham is killed. She’s thirteen years old, her father is a man of influence, from a smart part of town. And she’s white. Suddenly, the establishment is taking notice.

DS Noah Jake is determined to handle Raphaela’s case and Frankie’s too. But he’s facing his own turmoil, and it’s becoming an obsession. DI Marnie Rome is worried, and she needs Noah on side. Because more children are disappearing, more are being killed by the day and the swelling tide of violence needs to be stemmed before it’s too late

Travel Guide

Travel to the London of D I Marnie Rome

Set in and amongst the frighteningly real London of street crime gangs and knife violence.

The book was inspired by the death of Rhyhiem Ainsworth Barton, a 17 year old who was killed in May 2018 just after 6pm. Sarah, in her author’s note says that he was one of three teenagers shot in the city on the same day. He wasn’t in a gang and was an aspiring architect with his whole life ahead of him. He was even learning to work with children as he wanted to make a difference.

Sarah says she was inspired to write the book as his mother had asked that her son’s death be the last one. It’s not a cultural thing, she said, and not about gangs as her son  was not in a gang. It’s aim is to show the tragedy of knife and gun crime and how media and society react to it.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Never Be Broken

Destination: London Author/guide: Sarah Hilary  Departure Time: 2000s

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