Why a Booktrail?
Anytime – A quirky children’s guide to what to see in South America
Anytime – A quirky children’s guide to what to see in South America
A guide book not for parents sounds ideal doesn’t it? You just know it’s going to be one full of quirky, weird and grisly facts about life and people in the countries concerned. The bits the adults would think not very important or not for kids to know such as the mystery of the man eating fish or the edible ants. But this kind of stuff is just what kids want and need to know! This is the South America that parents probably don’t know anything about anyway as it’s not the kind of thing you might learn at school. This is the real continent warts and all!
Travel across the various countries of South America and all through the eyes of a child. Tell you something however, this is a lot more interesting than most guides for adults. It’s got killer fish in it and women who wrestle, cities which have a habit of getting lost and edible bugs. Just the kind of thing any child worth his travelling salt wants, no NEEDS to know. If you’re travelling in the jungle in this part of the world for example, it could mean the difference between life and death after all.
It’s not all funny and unusual facts – there was a real life Robinson Crusoe don’t you know.
The scenery is not only described and evoked in words but the snippets of information in colourful boxes as well as the intricate drawings really set this part of the world up as one adventure playground – rivers, swamps, the jungle, towns and villages and the Statue of the Redeemer… quite a tour to do in one book but a great whizz around the continent picking out the best bits.
There’s just so much packed into this book that there is no booktrail which could take you around every site. It would spoil the surprise as well so there’s just a selection above. It’s a great adventure for young and old and quite frankly this is the tour we’d pay to go on for real!
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