Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Falster, Copenhagen

Nothing but Fear

Nothing but Fear

Why a Booktrail?

21C: The story of Knud Romer’s childhood on the Danish island of Falster

  • ISBN: 978-1846687143
  • Translator: John Mason
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

The story of one man’s childhood which is so much more. This story starts back in the 18th century and draws a picture of his memories like a patchwork which is slowly reconstructed to form a fuller picture.

On this remote island in Denmark, the inhabitants are the ghosts of the past who each have a unique version of events.

Two characters of this tale are the boy’s Danish father and his German mother. A German in the midst of this small Danish island community. There is an sea of evil which laps the shores of this place and the consequences are widespread..

The Second World War might be long over but the ripples of racism continue to spread. And on an island, they approach from every angle..

Travel Guide

Falster is a small island in the south-eastern part of the country and is around 514 km² (198 sq. miles) The largest town is Nykøbing Falster  and most people live here.

The island of Falster actually lay below the surface of the sea and existed in people’s consciousness only because they refused to believe otherwise.

How lovely and unique a description  of an island  – giving it rather an ethereal and ghostly like quality. Somewhere surely where the ghosts of the past do live. And this island certainly has its ghosts. With two parent of different nationalities, instead of enjoying the richness of this mix of cultures,the young boy is a victim of racism. After one day at school  –

“For the day had been spent being a German pig, hiding in the breaks, hiding my packed lunch…”

We see Copenhagen through his eyes too for when on school trips he visits the famous Glypotek museum of art. He likens his grandmother to a greek statue and so his childhood world is also full of creativity and an appreciation for what Copenhagen has to offer – his visits from the island being welcomed.

The island and the Copenhagen that we see through the Author’s eye is varied and unique. From the Marielyst (his grandfather’s Las Vegas) to Skagen which is a Mecca for holiday makers and health seekers. His granddaughter’s dream for this place where ‘ no one wanted to go’ shows his passion for making this location a favoured one. Germany is the underlying theme since it seeps into every part of the story and provides the most poignant and sad moments.

From the locations of Falster which proves to be an island of ghosts, the grandfather’s obsession with his Las Vegas and the German mothers reminiscing of her own home and environment, this is a tale of setting and circumstance.

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