Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: England

One Hot Summer

One Hot Summer

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Borne Manor is where you want to be for this hot sizzling summer!

  • ISBN: 978-0007577620
  • Genre: Fiction, Humour, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Alice McBride knows she’s lucky to live in such a beautiful place as Borne Manor. It’s the home she loves and she’s determined not to lose in in her marriage breakup and divorce. Money is set to be a problem

But needs must and so she decides to open the doors and rent it out for the summer. Enter sexy cowboy music star Robinson Duff. He himself has had some recent heartbreak and is just looking for somewhere quiet to hide out.

Neither he nor Alice is looking for another love. That’s the last thing on their minds but this long hot summer is just about to get a lot more sizzling!

Travel Guide

Bourne Manor is sadly fictional but  because this novel highlights the joys of living in a small town/village with a lovely manor house, and there is the fact that there is a cowboy who rides into town, we’ve put a little booktrail together which reflects these two themes in the book

There is a village called Bourne in Lincolnshire – no manor house – but there is a castle nearby which would be the lovely place to sit in the gardens and spot a cowboy..

There are lovely gardens in the centre of Bourne beside the river and streets with unusual names such as Coggles Causeway and Cherry Holt Road which  do sound like as if they would be a book like this.

Granted it doesn’t look very summer in the photos but then read this book and it will be!

Streetview Maps

A) Bourne Manor?
B) Bourne Gardens?

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information: One Hot Summer

Guide: Kat French   Destination: England  Departure Time : 2000s

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