Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Brussels, New York City (NYC)

Open City

Open City

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: This tour is literally seeing a book and the place through the author’s eyes

  • ISBN: 978-1400068098
  • Genre: Fiction

What you need to know before your trail

In Manhattan, a young Nigerian doctor completing his residency wanders aimlessly around the city streets. He finds walking calms him after a long day at work. He tries to work out what he is doing with his life.

As he wanders around New York , he takes a good hard look at the people and places around him who will provide insight into his journey. Then he goes to  Brussels where he grew up and where his journey takes a new turn.

Travel Guide

Parts of the book also take place in Brussels and in Lagos; and both places are described by using fact and historical interest stories to maximum effect. The way he thinks and ponders on what he sees make the places and the people he meets seem real.

“He says Brussels is still his home all these years later – European Union Quarter – the buildings on which Brussels was built – a city of technocrats he asks himself? Park Leopold –  a nice park next to the European Parliament”

New York is the star of the show though as it is this which rings most true – If you walk the same streets the character has walked, visit the places he does and think the same thoughts that he does – such as the shop closures he reacts to. this is the city coming to life through the eyes of an author and he is your guide to seeing all of the city, from the streets, to its past stamped on every paving stone.

As for Pale Male, there is even a book and many tourist objects to be bought. The book we found is Pale Male: Citizen Hawk of New York City by Janet Schulman and Meilo So (illustrator) 978-0375845581

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