Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Paris

Paris By Starlight

Paris By Starlight

Why a Booktrail?

Every city has its magic

  • ISBN: 978-1529100457
  • Genre: Fantasy/Sci Fi

What you need to know before your trail

Every night on their long journey to Paris from their troubled homeland, Levon’s grandmother has read to them from a very special book. Called The Nocturne, it is a book full of fairy stories and the heroic adventures of their people who generations before chose to live by starlight.

And with every story that Levon’s grandmother tells them in their new home, the desire to live as their ancestors did grows. And that is when the magic begins…

Nobody can explain why nocturnal water dogs start appearing at the heels of every citizen of Paris-by-Starlight like the loyal retainers they once were. There are suddenly night finches in the skies and the city is transforming: the Eiffel Tower lit up by strange ethereal flowers that drink in the light of the moon.

But not everyone in Paris is won over by the spectacle of Paris-by-Starlight. There are always those that fear the other, the unexplained, the strangers in our midst. How long can the magic of night rub up against the ordinariness of day? How long can two worlds occupy the same streets and squares before there is an outright war?

Travel Guide

BookTrail Paris by Starlight

What a magical reading experience!

“It is said that you cannot truly know a city until you walk its streets after dark…..”

In this city we meet a young girl in search of her father and a man who is a refugee from an unnamed country

The Magical book – Nocturne

From the magical book, comes the legendary stories. Within are stories of times gone by, of magical times when the city was a city of lights, starlight and hope. In the evening light, there were flowers and glittering views for everyone to see. This is the Paris coming to life before their eyes.

There are secret pathways and tunnels in this version of the city. There are those who are called believer who are believed to have dreamed this world into existence.

Paris in this story is covered in glistening snow, hope and longing. Journey through the streets in the search for love and redemption.

Cafe Infini  – ‘The Cafe Infini, after midnight, was not a place she ought to have brought a young girl.”

Sacre Coeur – ‘The winter sun is setting over the Paris you know. Its last light touches the pinnacle of the Tour Eiffel. Its final rays turn the great basilica at the Sacre Coeur to butter and gold.”

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Paris by Starlight

Destination/location: Paris  Author/guide: Robert Dinsdale Departure Time: Who knows?

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