Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Mozambique

Playing with Fire

Playing with Fire

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: The second in series of the true story about a land mine victim

  • ISBN: 978-1865087146
  • Translator: Anna Paterson
  • Genre: Childrens, Inspired by true events

What you need to know before your trail

In the night there was a blue world lit by the moon . . . blue sand trickled between her fingers and swells of seawater moved inside her . . . It was a dream, yet Sofia knew that her time had come. She was fifteen, and childhood was behind her. Sofia takes in sewing, and her older sister, Rosa, works in the vegetable plot to help their mother support their family. Rosa, is strong and beautiful, and she loves boys, and dancing – something that Sofia, with her crutches, will never be able to do. Sofia imagines a boy who will love her for herself – Moonboy – the boy who appears in the night. Then suddenly Rosa falls ill, and Sofia is afraid for her. Their mother puts her faith in African magic, but it’s Sofia who must help Rosa face the reality of AIDS, and the difficult road ahead.

Travel Guide




The author foreword from book one. this is how the story starts…

(These books) are about an indomitable person called Sofia, She exists in real life and she’s 12 years old. She lives in one of the poorest countries in the world: Mozambique on the east coast of Africa

“Mozambique is actually a rich country, But it became poor as the result of a war which raged there for almost twenty years. Prior to 1974, Mozambique was a Portuguese colony. when the country became independent and went its own way, there were many who tried to prevent it – in particular the wealthy Portuguese who had lost their previous power. Many of them moved to Souther Africa. Racists in South Africa didn’t like what was going on in neighbouring Mozambique either, They gave money and weapons to poverty-stricken and discontented Mozambicans and encouraged them to initiate civil war. and As happens in all wars, it was the civilians who suffered the most. many people died and many filed. Sofia was one of these. But she survived.”

This is her story…


Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Playing with Fire

Destination : Mozambique  Author/Guide:  Henning Mankell  Departure Time: 2000s

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