Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: The Bering Sea

Polar Star

Polar Star

Why a Booktrail?

1980s: The sequel to Gorky Park

  • ISBN: 978-0330449250
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Arkady Renko is exiled on Polar Star, a Soviet factory ship which trawls the freezing waters from Siberia to Alaska: current status seaman (second class), his movements shadowed by those who know his past.

Then Renko is given a chance to reclaim his freedom – by investigating a lonely and very mysterious death . .

Travel Guide

The Bering Sea

Arkady finds asylum on a Soviet Factory Ship working in the waters of the Bering Sea.  A woman on board is suspected of having been murdered.

The real atmosphere is on board; Claustrophobic, salt in the air, the stench of fish, sea and Russian food made with cabbage…that’s if you can get over the fog of  Russian cigarettes

The Bering sea:

“Water hissed from the net’s plastic hair onto the wooden boards that provided footing on the deck….. As the wind shifted the birds broke into a swirl of white wings.”

The Ship:

Originally when it came down the rails in Gdansk, the Polar Star’s four superstructures had been a dazzling white and the gantries and booms a candy yellow.

Twenty years of saltwater had repainted it with rust. The Top decks had accumulated wooden planks, full barrels of lubricated oil and empty barrels for fish oil, the refuse of piled nets and floats.

Now, seen from a distance with a good view of the hull battered by unloading side trawlers in bad weather, the Polar Star resembled not so much a factory ship as a combination factory-and-junkyard cast into the sea and making improbable headway through the waves.

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Polar Star

Destination : The Bering Sea  Author/Guide: Martin Cruz Smith  Departure Time: 1980s

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