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  • Location: St Petersburg

Polina’s Day: From Dawn to Dusk in a Russian City 

Polina’s Day: From Dawn to Dusk in a Russian City 

Why a Booktrail?

Anytime – One in a series of books showing you a day in the life of a child in that city

  • ISBN: 978-0711218093
  • Genre: Childrens

What you need to know before your trail

Polina  is a young girl who lives in Saint Petersburg Russia. What does she do from the moment she gets up and goes to school? What is her life like in one of the biggest cities in Russia?
Well allow Polina to show you around and see St Petersburg through the eyes of a young girl.

Travel Guide

A Day in the life of….Polina who lives in St Petersburg with her mum and dad. There’s bliny and smetana for breakfast (pancakes and sour cream)

the girl loves going to the library and gets up especially early to do so even before she goes to school. A particularly lovely part of the book!
School life is also evoked in interesting detail – Polina is keen to show you around, taking you on the Kacheli (the swings) and introducing you to her friends.
And the fun doesn’t stop after the school day! When her mum comes to pick her up, they stroll home taking in the sights of the city, riding a trolley bus and even having an art lesson in the street.
Now that’s the kind of St Petersburg and Russian life every traveller would love to have!

At the start of the book, the author note and map detail the kind of life girls like Polina would have, living in a high rise apartment block with her close knit family. The history is a fascinating addition to a good story and the Russian vocabulary is just perfect to round off the visit!

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