Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Bristol, Somerset

Poppet (Jack Caffery 6)

Poppet  (Jack Caffery 6)

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: If the scary book cover doesn’t get you then what’s inside will….

  • ISBN: 978-0857500762
  • Genre: Crime, Psychological, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

The patients at Beechway High Secure Unit are terrified. Unexplained power cuts have lead to a series of horrifying incidents. And now fear has spread from the inmates to the staff.

Theirs is a secure mental health unit in the West country and there may have been a few more than strange inmates of late, But some are dying in very odd circumstances

Enter DI Jack Caffery and what turns out to be one of the spookiest and most impossible case of his life.

And what of the poppets?

Travel Guide

The inside of a psychiatric unit is definitely a Mo Hayder environment but one where the patients and the staff are as scared as each other and they all talk about someone or something who will sit on your chest and try to kill you. Just who can make sense of such a place?

Isaac, a former patient now deemed cured is released back into society and back into Somerset in the West Country, but when a bag of small dolls or poppets are found in his room, a picture starts to emerge so disturbing that you won’t know where is safer, inside the institution or on the outside.

Are the patients and staff being haunted and traumatised by the supernatural figure of the Maude said to walk the corridors of the hospital, or is it something even worse? What goes on in the creepily named Dandelion war?

Somerset is not the peaceful haven is usually in, Well this is the Somerset of Mo Hayder.

This Somerset has traces of Voodoo all around….. Somerset, not somewhere like New Orleans where you might expect a smattering of superstition in this way. But that’s what makes the ordinary so extraordinary – Mo Hayder’s locations!

Gothic in tone and Atmosphere and the dark dank corridors which would not look out of place in a New Orleans Swamp.

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Facebook: /AuthorMoHayder

Web: mohayder.net

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