Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Edinburgh, Islay

Quite Ugly One Morning

Quite Ugly One Morning

Why a Booktrail?

1990s: Hold on to your stomachs!

  • ISBN: 978-0349108858
  • Genre: Crime, Humour

What you need to know before your trail

A  doctor is hideously murdered in Edinburgh, which causes a keen investigative journalist to get to the bottom of things. This is a special case as this dead body is that of  a Ponsonby, scion of a venerable Edinburgh medical clan. The manner of his death speaks of unspeakable things. The body displayed like a slice of beef and his hands are digitally challenged. Something smells really bad too…

And it’s not just the graphic business scam at a local hospital.

Travel Guide

Chris Brookmyre’s Scotland:


Quiet wee island, quiet wee polis statin. No more of the junkie undead no more teenager jellyhead stabbings, no more pissed up rugby fans impaling themselves on the Scott Monument, no more tweed riots in Jenners, and, best of all, no more f*****g festival. Nothing more serious to contend with than illicit stills and the off fight over cheating with someone else’s sheep”


“There was a glow of light from behind the horizon, tinting the city w in faint, shadowy hues, like a huge room lit by a lamp with a dimmer switch.

The castle cut the skyline with a tetchy cragginess, ill-tempered elderly resident of the district with a fragile tolerance of the newcomers to its neighbourhood

And not far beyond he longest spines of its shadow, just past the borders of the Old Town, in the vicinity of law courts, local government, big business and one of Europe’s busiest tourist honeypots, sat a crappy wee spread-out collection of prefabricated, low-rise bus shelters posing as a geriatric hospital.”

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Quite Ugly One Morning

Author/Guide: Chris Brookmyre  Destination: Edinburgh  Departure Time: 1990s

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