Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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starry skies to read under
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  • Location: Sweden ,Varmland county, "Gavrik"

Red Snow

Red Snow

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: There’s something very dark in Gavrik and it’s not just the liquorice…

  • ISBN: 978-1786074799
  • Genre: Crime

What you need to know before your trail

Who’s really pulling the strings in the small Swedish town of Gavrik?

Someone has fallen from the top of the famous Grimberg liquorice factory. Did he jump or was he pushed? Another man lies murdered inside the factory – two black Grimberg liquorice coins cover  his eyes.

The hashtag #Ferryman starts to trend as local people stock up on ammunition.

Tuva Moodyson, deaf reporter at the local paper, has a fortnight to investigate the deaths before she starts her new job in the south. But things are about to get  whole lot worse for her as a blizzard is now taking over the town and the woods. Everyone is even more cut off than usual. Tuva must go deep inside the Grimberg factory to stop the killer before she leaves town for good.

But the Ferryman is not about to let her go.

Travel Guide

Sweden – “Gavrik”

Gavrik – Meet the Author on location

Back to Gavrik, the most remote and chilling Swedish town. Barely enough inhabitants to make it a village. It’s a place where people keep themselves to themselves mostly but where everyone knows everyone else. They go back years, decades even so familiar links, friendship links and of course enemy links go back that far too.

This is a place dominated by one thing – the huge Liquourice factory with its tall imposing chimneys. It’s been in the Grimberg family for years and almost all the family work there and live on the premises. Many of the villagers have worked there at some point. so the factory is a core part of their and Gavrik’s identity.

But someone has been spotted falling from the high imposing roof. Someone else is found on the factory floor with liquorice coins in his eyes. Then the snow comes in force and it’s barely possible to get around Gavrik, even though you want to run after seeing things such as this. Then there’s the red snow….good god Tuva, make a run for it! The symbolism (like the cover with the stark contrast of the red on white) is excellently evoked and chillingly brutal.

All around Gavrik, the forest seems to suck the life out of those who venture into it, escaping Gavrik – the trees scratch, cars fall into ditches and strange noises come from the dark inner sanctum of the forest. although it’s not a sanctum for any human.

Tuva scrambles her way through the novel battling hearing aids and the loss of her car, but overcome those obstacles with style she does. She is not taking no for an answer though and relies on her strength and sixth sense to know when someone is lying. You don’t have to hear with your ears.

The snow, the unrelenting darkness, those darn dog turds humourously described as ” snow dusted” – as they never fully freeze inside did you know that? The freakiest thing out here however, in the Swedish forest that Tuva inhabits are those dark snow skulls. Oh wait till you come across them…..

Red Snow

Red Snow

Booktrailer Review

Susan: @thebooktrailer

Just when I thought I couldn’t love Tuva and Will Dean more, there comes along a book that makes me hug both of them very tightly indeed. Whilst sharing liquorice with them both.

I couldn’t wait to start sharing the Red Snow love – just wait until you see what that title refers to as well! It’s not as obvious as you think.

There’s a great mystery in this one with shades of book one loitering in the background. Tuva has a new job in Malmo but before she leaves,someone falls from the roof of the local liquorice factory. then another body is found with liquorice coins in its eyes. There’s so much to love about the unique angle of the murder mystery, the Swedish cultural references and the feeling that that forest in Gavrik is even more menacing that first thought.

Will has totally captured the feel of the remote yet claustrophobic Swedish forest, the small town community and the local business which people both love and hate. Liquorice controls their lives here, yet for some it leaves more than a black stain and a bad taste in the mouth.

Ooh and the cast of characters are some of the most complex and dark I’ve ever met in a book. You never really know what you’re getting. And it all works. It all works beautifully.

Will has even stepped up the Tuva charm. Her observation of a snow dusted dog turd nearly finished me off. And her inner thoughts such as thinking about poking her eyes out if she has to eat dark chocolate. Not to mention the frozen snot trails she sees…

I love Tuva for what she stands for and who she is and I love Will for writing such a fantastically sharp, insightful and gripping novel.

To quote a line in the book, Red Snow is “dog**** deluxe”

Booktrail Boarding Pass: Red Snow

Destination: “Gavrik”  Author/Guide: Will Dean Departure Time: 2000s

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