Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: A dystopian world

Redder Days

Redder Days

Why a Booktrail?

The end of the world is nigh……

  • ISBN: 978-0857526786
  • Genre: Dystopian, Fantasy/Sci Fi, Horror

What you need to know before your trail

Twins Anna and Adam live in an abandoned commune in a volatile landscape where they prepare for the world-ending event they believe is imminent. Adam keeps watch by day, Anna by night. They meet at dawn and dusk. Their only companion is Koan, the commune’s former leader who still exerts a malignant control over their daily rituals. But when one of the previous inhabitants returns, everything Anna and Adam thought they knew to be true is thrown into question.

Travel Guide

In this book the world is a dystopian one….a remote and empty landscape:

“The planet, thus distressed, had found a new way to purge. But we did not know why every body it moved through it moved through like a storm. Why it turned a person to rough hands and probing tongues, why it landed in the body as an unrelenting fever. But this is the cruelty of any storm; irrespective of its size and point of origin, it is without motivation or vendetta. No storm is subject to reason. If you are destroyed by a storm, it is simply because of where you were standing at the time.

In short, there was nothing to do but accept it. Let our fears and beliefs settle around it.”

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Redder Days

Destination/location: The world Author/guide:  Sue Rainsford Departure Time: Who knows?

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