Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Cotswolds (Fictional Rutshire), Los Angeles



Why a Booktrail?

1980s: Sexy people and horse-riding capers in the Cotswolds.

  • ISBN: 978-0552172424
  • Genre: Fiction, Romance

What you need to know before your trail

Riders is everything you can imagine and more. Romance, sex, sweaty people on sweaty horses doing sweaty things.

Jake Lovell is the brooding hero of the story whose hands can sooth women and horse alike. He loathes the man of the show, Rupert Campbell-Black, and the feud between the two men is at its highest it has been ever since they started it. Having pinched each other’s horses and drunk their way around the capitals of Europe, the feud between the two men is about to blow.

Travel Guide

The Cotswolds  – fictional Rutshire

Their fictional show jumping world is set in Rutshire, which is an apt name and understandably fictional. Imagine if this world really existed! The Cotswold setting however is clearly evoked but soon fades into the background with all the shenanigans going on!

“The meet was held in one of those sleepy Cotswold villages, with a village green flanked by golden grey cottages, a lichened church knee-deep in daffodils, and a pub called the Goat in Boats”


The world of show jumping is quite a raucous place to be – the clinking of champagne glasses, the sound of people living life to the full. The thumping of horses hooves on every page and the noise of a world with no boundaries and reckless decisions

The sweat, excitement, sex and alcohol make for a thrilling world you will never forget

“The calvacade that brings Horse of the Year show to an end must be the most moving event in the equestrian calendar”

Los Angeles

The final showdown is to be held in the stadium where the Los Angeles Olympics is taking place. The showcase in the city of Angels where people with a lot more devilish thoughts carry on their day to day shenanigans.

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