Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Chicago

Right After the Weather

Right After the Weather

Why a Booktrail?

1960s:  explores what happens when a group of friends are confronted with their worst fears . . .

  • Genre: Fiction, LGTBQ

What you need to know before your trail

Cate is a stage designer in her early forties, embroiled in theatre projects and the lives of her unconventional Chicago friends and lovers, when her life is suddenly overturned. Walking into her best friend’s kitchen one day, she witnesses an act of violence that forces her to do something she would never have thought she could do. The bubble of her safe, bohemian world is shattered.

Right After The Weather explores what happens when two worlds collide. This is a beautifully observed and compassionate novel about love, trauma and the reverberations of our actions.

Travel Guide

Travel around the Theatres of Chicago

A story about a set designer and a gay/queer woman during that time:

“Something delicious about all the secrecy. Now everything’s so in the open, we’re free from fear and oppression, but we’ve traded up for being commonplace. Queer’s as boring as straight now.”

Set designer work is evoked during the setting of course, but also the prose:

“when she tried to pull back she found her principles had been shredded by desire. Principles lay in ribbons around her feet. She had allowed herself to fall into a ridiculous sort of heart-throbbing love based on small, colourful explosions of urgent sex and careless revelation.”

The most interesting part of the novel is about the world of theatre.You get to experience the whole process of putting on a play. There is a whole cast of characters as well, if you excuse the pun, such as actors, directors, and playwrights.

BookTrail Boarding Pass: Right After the Weather

Destination/location: Chicago  Author/guide: Carol Anshaw    Departure Time: 1960s

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