Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: China, Xinjiang, Bejing

Rock Paper Tiger

Rock Paper Tiger

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: A thriller as well as a good journey across China and its history

  • ISBN: 978-1569479513
  • Genre: Thriller

What you need to know before your trail

American Iraq War veteran Ellie Cooper is in Beijing when she meets an Uighur—a member of a Chinese Muslim minority—at the home of her sort-of boyfriend Lao Zhang.

Lao Zhang disappears, and suddenly the authorities are on her case saying that the Uighur is a terrorist and testing her as to what she knows about it all. Protesting her innocence, she has to cut through the maze of just who she can trust and what a certain on line role playing game has to do with it all.

She has to remain one step ahead of those who are after her. How did she get into all this? Could it possibly have links to what she was involved with when working in Iraq all that time ago?

Travel Guide

The historical journey via China is the main setting here and we found a good background read on the BBC website about Xinjiang province.

Xinjiang was the Uighur homeland formerly known as East Turkestan

Urumqi was where the riots were and this act as a good place to research as a backdrop to the fictional story.

Of course any mention of Iraq is topical and the background to what Ellie Cooper used to do and how that may impact on her current situation is fiction dressed up in probably relevant fact. This is a world of which we know nothing but two iconic locations and historical fact as backdrop and it makes for a thriller of a ride

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