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  • Location: Cornwall

Ross Poldark (Poldark 1)

Ross Poldark (Poldark 1)

Why a Booktrail?

1780s: Many women discovered a new romantic hero in the BBC 2015’s version of the drama. With the setting of Cornwall another romantic hero, this is the first episode in the classic Cornwall saga. Ross Poldark’s story.

  • ISBN: 978-1447281528
  • Genre: Fiction, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

Tired from a grim war in America, Ross Poldark returns to his land and his family. But the joyful homecoming he has anticipated turns sour, for his father is dead, his estate is derelict and the girl he loves is engaged to his cousin.

But his sympathy for the destitute miners and farmers of the district leads him to rescue a half-starved urchin girl from a fairground brawl and take her home – an act which alters the whole course of his life . .

Travel Guide

Well Cornwall of course is the setting as well as the main character in the novel for the original novels had the subtitle of ‘A novel of Cornwall’ and you really do get  a strong feel for the time and place as well as its people in this saga.

This first novel takes place and describes the events of between 1783 and 1787. The author paints a picture of life in Cornwall in the late 18th century and shows the various strands of village life and the trials and tribulations of the people who live up and down its coast. Mining is a major part of the community – financially and as a way of life. The work is hard and failure is not an option when so many depend on it –

“On his way home Ross passed the engine house of Wheal Grace, that mine from which had come all his father’s prosperity and into which it had all returned.”

But there is hope around the corner for Ross has support from both close and unexpected quarters. The struggle of the mines and the country way of life is fascinating for the land and its people are closely tied. Wise words to Elizabeth ring true of the novel for its readers –

“There’s plenty of life in Cornwall if you want it”

And we do. For Cornwall has never been so beautifully evoked. From the very real Truro and Perranporth to the fictional Trenwith and Nampara with many coves and beaches in between – the scenery is so evocative you can smell and feel the sea air:

“He skirted the field until he reached the furthest tip of Damsel Point where the low cliff climbed in ledges and boulders down to the sea, The water surged and eddied, changing colour on the shelves of dripping rocks.”

Then there’s the charm of the Cornish dialect – a joy to read as well as hear spoken – mainly from Jed and Prudie:

“Twur a poor summer for frewt”

or ‘ Twas a nice chanst I didn’t swaller one of they wasps”

Comedy gold from this Cornish pair!

The novel reads like an homage to the author’s beloved Cornwall – where Cornwall is centre stage – from the sea mist to the views from the cliffs. It allows Cornwall to enchant us all, many many years after this book was written.

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Booktrailer Review

Susan @thebooktrailer

I just loved revisiting these books. When I heard there was going to be a new televised version I thought well the books just have to be read again! Oh the local Cornish dialect – it was nice to get back into that. Once the television show started I had all the actors voices in my head as I read the dialogue. I just can’t imagine Jude without thinking of Phil Davis and Aiden Turner is of course a very popular Poldark. There is just much wit, observation and charm to this series of books then I would definatley recommend you read them. Find the details and the evocation of the scenes that tv can’t show. The ode to Cornwall that this book is. It’s a wonderfully evocative series of books and illustrates the beauty and charm of the culture, setting and daily life in 18th century Cornwall.

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