Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Marazion, St Michael's Mount (Fictional Mount Polbearne)

Little Beach Street Bakery

Little Beach Street Bakery

Why a Booktrail?

2000s: Moving to Cornwall can do wonders for the soul and the perfect location for a little bakery near the beach!

  • ISBN: 978-0751549218
  • Genre: Fiction, Humour

What you need to know before your trail

Polly Waterford is recovering from a bad relationship. She can’t afford to stay in the flat either so decides to up sticks and start afresh. So, off she goes to Cornwall and finds a  flat above a disused shop in a sleepy seaside resort.

To vent her frustrations, she starts to make bread and she soon becomes known for it. So many emotions and anger going into this bread but good things seem to be coming out of it.

She bakes her way to a new life and to the hearts, minds and indeed bellies of local residents.

Can bread get Polly what she is really after?

Travel Guide

The first book in the Mount Polbearne series and although the name is fictional this book utterly transports you to the very real and very charming St Michael’s Mount on which is is based. Jenny has mentioned several times in interviews of her favourite places in Cornwall and it’s so lovely to visit with Jenny and of course Polly as our guides –

“The real benefit of Mount Polbearne …..is how unspoilt it is”

the remoteness of this locations and separation from the main land is ideal for Polly as she literally and figuratively distances herself from her own life.

Jenny Colgan loves Cornwall and it shows. Her settings might originate fro her imagination but they are steeped in history and her childhood.
And of course magic –

“The dock was empty of boats, the fish must still be running – the causeway invisible, Mount Polbearne was an island once again”

The ability of the island to change and the reappear is what Polly needs right now as she uses her bread making abilities to recover from her heartache

Cornwall is the setting of many gorgeous bakeries and cream tea establishments and we’re only sad to report that the beach street bakery is fictional. but its a good game to and try and find it.

Mousehole (pronounced Mousawl) and St Ives are good places to evoke Jenny’s novels too.

Streetview Maps

1) Cornwall - St Michael's Mount
3) Cornwall - Marazion

Booktrail Boarding Pass Information:

Twitter: @jennycolgan

Facebook: jennycolganbooks

Web: jennycolgan.com

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