Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
beach reading
starry skies to read under
reading in nature
  • Location: Southampton, New Forest

Shot in the Dark

Shot in the Dark

Why a Booktrail?

2023: A fatal chase. Dangerous secrets. No answers.

  • ISBN: 978-1804365243
  • Genre: Crime, Police Procedural

What you need to know before your trail

Moonlight slants through the trees on the ancestral Dunlow estate, where a young woman runs for her life. Gunshots break the silence.

The next morning, the body of seventeen-year-old student Melanie Pirt is found.

DS Gabe Martin is more than ready to take the lead on her first murder case. Determined to prove herself to the cold and mysterious DI Juliet Stern, Gabe can’t afford any distractions – especially not ones that wake her in the night, reminding her of a past she’d rather forget.

Because while Gabe and Juliet have few leads, there are plenty of suspects. And every one of them is lying…

Travel Guide

New Forest and Southampton

The novel uses location sparingly but what shines here is the use of setting – the forest, he farmland and the remoteness of the place and where the crime takes place is everything.

It’s very remote and the farmland is dangerous – a girl has been shot in the woods on someone’s land and the suspects are everywhere.

The first point of investigation starts at the main farmhouse and the keeper’s cottages which is very clearly evoked.

The police come from nearby Southampton.




BookTrail Boarding Pass: Shot in the Dark

Destination: Southampton, New Forest  Author/guide: Anna Britton  Departure Time: 2023

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