Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: Guernica, London, The Basque Country

Spanish Crossings

Spanish Crossings

Why a Booktrail?

1937-1947: A story of war, conflict and redemption

  • ISBN: 978-1911331681
  • Genre: Fiction, Historical

What you need to know before your trail

Spanish Crossings is an epic tale of love, politics and conflict, with the yearning but elusive possibility of redemption. A woman’s life has been cast in shadow by her connection to the Spanish Civil War. We meet Lorna in Spain, 1937 as she falls in love with Harry, a member of the International Brigade who had been at Guernica when it was bombed. Harry is then killed in the fighting and Lorna fears she might have lost her best chance of happiness. Can she fill the void created by Harry’s death by helping the child refugees of the conflict? She finds a particular connection to one boy, Pepe, and as he grows up below the radar of the authorities in England their lives become increasingly intertwined. But can Lorna rely on Pepe as he remains deeply pulled towards the homeland and family that have been placed beyond his reach? Coming through the war, then the post-war rebuilding, Lorna and Pepe’s relationship will be tested by their tragic and emotive history.

Travel Guide

BookTrail Spanish Crossings set in London ww2

The book is largely set in London and we see the events and consequences of war through the eyes of Laura and the many refugees which flood into the capital. The book opens in Spain however and we see Lorna in the midst of having to deal with some 4000 refugee children from Bilbao. Guernica in Spain has just been bombed during the Civil War there and imagine the pain, confusion and heartache these children and their families must have been going through.

Wartime London is evoked with the dust, rubble and pain on each and every page. Vivid and haunting images.

Through the eyes of her and Pepe, a fifteen-year-old refugee she takes under her wing, we learn along with Lorna of the problems and issues in Spain but also of the culture and language. The pride of the Spanish people, their warmth, culture and love for their country comes through loud and clear.

Be sure to see the painting Guernica by Picasso (in the Reina Sofia museum in Madrid)

Booktrail Boarding Pass:  Spanish Crossings

Destination/location :Guernica, London, The Basque Country   Author/Guide: John Simmons  Departure Time: 1937-1947

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