Words leave imprints in your mind like footprints in the sand...
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  • Location: North Koster, Stockholm

Spring Tide (Rönning & Stilton 1)

Spring Tide (Rönning & Stilton 1)

Why a Booktrail?

1987, 2011: You know you’re in good hands when the scriptwriters who brought us Arne Dahl and Wallander to the world put pen to paper…

  • ISBN: 978-1843915157
  • Translator: Roy Bradbury
  • Genre: Crime, Mystery, Thriller

What you need to know before your trail


The spring tides are the highest of the year

Three men on the beach are digging a hole, and nearby a small boy hides watching in secret. They’ve buried a woman in the sand, but the water is getting closer, muffling her screams….

24 years later that horrific crime has not been solved but its violent legacy remains. A gang is killing people for kicks and filming their crimes. The police are at a loss to stem the crime wave and things are getting out of control.

Meanwhile, student Olivia Rönning has been given a challenge by her professor – to pick a cold case and solve it. So, past and present collide and the city of Stockholm is brought to its knees.

Travel Guide


The spring tides are the highest of the year

Three men on the beach are digging a hole, and nearby a small boy hides watching in secret. They’ve buried a woman in the sand, but the water is getting closer, muffling her screams…. 24 years later that horrific crime has not been solved but its violent legacy remains. A gang is killing people for kicks and filming their crimes. The police are at a loss to stem the crime wave and things are getting out of control.

Meanwhile, student Olivia Rönning has been given a challenge by her professor – to pick a cold case and solve it. So, past and present collide and the city of Stockholm is brought to its knees.  A gruesome crime and a policeman who regrets not having found the perpetrator. He and student Olivia joins forces to solve the crime and with him having served with Olivia’s now late father on the original Spring Tide case, the links form between past and present.

In Hasslevikarna, the coves on the island of Nordkoster in the west Coast of Sweden, up near the border with Norway. the difference between high tide and love tide is usually between five and ten cms, except when there is a spring tide…


Stilton’s situation has changed beyond belief – now one of the homeless community which are being targeted in Stockholm , this is a cold and dangerous Sweden which has not faded over the years. The crime against this community are horrific and brutal,social media allows them to spread their vile effects over a greater space and time. Even the higher levels of the Swedish business community appears to be involved. The sex-trade is another world which wee are brought into and it is a bleak and dark place indeed.

As the investigation into both crimes develop,the worlds collide and the darkest corners of the Swedish psyche are examined.

Tom and Olivia are two very different people coming from very different sides of the track. And the effect is one running out of control towards the end of the track. The quest for justice speeds up and when it hits, its like a runaway train..

Mal Pais, Costa Rica

From cold Sweden, the crime soon has echoes going back to the Nicoya peninsula and two very different worlds are about to collide.Long beaches, grand houses and popular with tourists – perfect to hide out in plain sight and where no one knows who you are.

Booktrailer Review

Susan @thebooktrailer:

You can tell that this new king and Queen of Scandinavian crime fiction are already royalty in the field of crime drama on television as the whole book is one,thriller, epic and cinematic at the same time. Dramatic music builds the action and the fallout of the climix is a moment to remember.

You could well feel a bit tired after reading this for the sheer ride it takes you on. A gruesome brutal world full of insight into the sex industry, the violent world of criminality and two lost souls trying to find their way to the truth.

The homeless world was sad to read about but it was seen through the eyes of Stilton which brought a new angle to it. His relationship with Olivia is nicely handled and their friendship is one that was fascinating and poignant too.

Tight plotting, gripping reading and an interweaving world of  twists and turns which made me think along while after I’d put the book down.

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